Tips for Being a Glowing, Stress Free Bride


Ohh girl, the week before your wedding is such an incredible, whirlwind of an adventure and I am so excited that you are about to experience it! Hand in hand with the madness, it can become quite an overwhelming experience, so I wanted to share some of my favourite tips and tricks to keeping you the glowing, stress free bride you should be.

Let’s go!

  1. Your sleep two nights out from your wedding will make the biggest difference to how you feel waking up on the big day, try to hit the hay early

  2. Camomile tea and magnesium are the best natural relaxants to help with sleep and nerves

  3. Do not, I repeat - DO NOT decide that the week before your wedding is a good time to get your first facial

  4. Bring a few things with you to wherever you are getting ready that remind you of home, ie your favourite candle, playlist, candy

  5. If you have outstanding DIY tasks to complete a couple of nights out from the big day, try to pass them onto friends or family. Remember those friends that asked if they could help with anything? Well they meant it, so take advantage!

  6. Try not to be the last one to have your hair and makeup done, second to last is best so you have some time to relax. With the right glam squad, your look won’t budge all day!

  7. Following on from point six, aim to be ready at least an hour before you need to travel to your ceremony location. Enjoy a glass of bubbles with your girl gang, have a few laughs and grab some final photos before show time. The last hour flies by at the speed of light, trust me!

  8. Eat! Nerves can easily get the better of you, and adrenaline will kick in, but it is so important that you enjoy a good hearty breakfast followed by a grazing platter - healthy body = healthy mind! Anyone for bacon, avo and halloumi on freshly buttered, hot ciabatta?

Well, I've made myself hungry now! I hope some of these tips help you keep it together. If you have any of your own that you would like you share, comment below and help a bride out.


Until next,

With love, Lucy_4 Grey.png